SHOUT initiates projects to enhance our community.
Do not go where the path may lead
Go instead where there is no path
And leave a trail ” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
See What We Do
Click below to watch the video “See What We Do”.
The SHOUT organization walks in the steps of Emerson’s suggestion. SHOUT works to go where there is no path. Simply put, SHOUT feels that it can best serve by initiating new paths in the community, useful new paths or projects that otherwise might not see the light of day.
The motto of SHOUT for South Haven, the organization he founded more than 30 years ago, summarizes the man’s tireless endeavors –- “working to make a great community even better”.
He frequently quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson when talking of the next SHOUT project: “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path. And leave a trail.”
In recognition of his community advocacy Copping is being honored as one of West Michigan’s Notable Nonprofit Board Leaders by the publication Crain’s Grand Rapids Business.
“Good board members support nonprofits with their time, talents and treasures. Great board members do all of that and more,” the publication wrote in its November 25th issue which honored 22 persons from throughout western Michigan.

South Haven celebrated the opening of its new Winter Gathering Place in downtown Dyckman Park on February 4.
To the delight of more than 100 guests, Mayor Annie Brown joined community advocate and SHOUT president Bob Copping in cutting the ribbon at the entrance to the area which features an outdoor fireplace. The area is near the Huron Street pavilion which in the winter features an ice skating rink.
The project was supported by more than 100 donors contributed to the $110,000 project which was also the recipient of a $40,000 grant from the Michigan Economic Fund.
The ribbon cutting was the closing event for the 30th annual Ice Breaker Festival. Those in attendance were treated to hot chocolate courtesy of Cafe Julia.
Bridge Flowers
For over 20 years SHOUT volunteers have been placing flower plantings and Christmas bows and greens on the bridge every spring and winter. Just one of SHOUT’s downtown beautification efforts.

Cottage Walk
One of the summers most popular events. Spend an afternoon visiting five or more homes in the South Haven area. The 2024 Cottage Walk will be held Saturday, June 29. A lovely adventure viewing these most interesting & attractive homes. The proceeds from the Cottage Walk benefit community enhancement projects throughout South Haven.
SHOUT’s spearheading and funding of community enhancement projects throughout South Haven have included the donation of two antique-style clocks – One in the park across from City Hall. Another along the River Walk.

As part of its downtown initiative SHOUT has commissioned three sculptures and donated them to the City of South Haven. This little girl sculpture can be found by City Hall, located next to the water garden.
Volunteers are needed for SHOUT service projects such as our annual Dyckman Bridge flower plantings and the Cottage Walk. If you would like to be notified when projects are scheduled please email us at and we’ll gladly add you to our mail list.
Thank You for supporting SHOUT.
- Four Seasons at Dyckman – Fireplace in South Haven’s Downtown Dyckman Park
- Initiated – SHOUT South Haven Theatre Series – (Now a separate non-profit)
- Initiated – SHOUT South Haven Performance Series – (Now a separate non-profit)
- Initiated – SHOUT South Haven Speakers Series – (Now a separate non-profit)
- Drawbridge Flowers – Plant & Maintain each year
- Drawbridge Holiday Greens & Bows – Decorate each year
- SHOUT Cottage Walk – Sponsor Each Year
- Harbor Walk Antique Style Street Clock at Ellen Avery Park – Donated
- Downtown Antique Style Street Clock – Donated
- Initiated – Political Candidates Forums – (Now turned over to AAUW)
- Initiated / Provided Anchor Funding for American Wind Symphony Ship Visit in 2009
- Initiated – Thursday Night Waterfront Concerts – (Later turned over to the City)
- Street Lamp at Monroe Circle Park – Donated
- Antique Style Street Lamps (13) at North and South Beaches – Donated
- Rain Garden at Huron & Kalamazoo Streets Corner – Donated
- Benches at the beaches (26) – Donated
- Dyckman / Drawbridge Historic Marker – Donated
- “Little Girl with Sand Pail” sculpture in front of City Hall – Donated
- “Seagull” sculpture at west side of City Hall – Donated
- Kiosk for Posting Events in front of Chemical Bank – Donated
- Initiated – SHOUT Yearly Events Calendar – (Now turned over to Chamber of Commerce)
- Free Grant Writing Class for non-profits at LMC – Sponsored
- “Summer Breeze” Street Sculpture on Phoenix Street – Donated in 2016
- “The Wilhelm Baum” historic tug boat – Donated to the Michigan Maritime Museum in 2016
- Scenic Footbridge for the new SHOUT City Park – Donated to the City of South Haven in 2017
- Newcome Beach Stairs – Organized tax deductible donations enabling building first stairs.